Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Oath For Doctors: Customer Is Always Right

Lea Singh wrote a great article in response to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) draft policy that would disallow conscientious objection for Ontario physicians, prohibiting them from expressing "personal judgments" about a patient's lifestyle.
A storm erupted not long ago when a Columbia University psychiatrist wrote that "My profession has been hijacked. I cannot do my job, my patients are suffering, and I am fed up." She was upset with the stringent political correctness in her profession, which dictated that she avoid being judgmental of her patients’ sexual practices. When they experienced problems due to their promiscuous behavior, she could only repeat, "Make sure you’re protected." Today, medical professions on both sides of the Atlantic are hardening this political correctness into an official code of conduct.
It may have always been part of the doctor’s role, but now it’s no longer acceptable for doctors to make us uncomfortable about our actions. We don’t want to hear about the dangers of promiscuous sexual behavior or the benefits of teen abstinence; still less do we want doctors to "preach" about the negative effects women often experience from abortion (or, gasp, about the humanity of the fetus). And least of all do we want doctors discouraging lesbians from artificial insemination, or young people from sex change operations.
Those are dangerous symptoms, but can the "progressive" establishment back down? Can they actually allow freedom of speech and freedom of conscience for our doctors? If they do - what will keep a physician from calling a baby - a baby, from calling a disorder what it really is - a disorder, from denouncing a bad lifestyle by telling a patient that he's made a bad lifestyle choice?..

And if the doctors are allowed to say all that - what will happen to the secular fundamentalist dogmas? How could they defend their theories that have absolutely no scientific basis if they can't silence the physicians? That's why some lawmakers in Britain are proposing jail sentences for talking a pregnant woman out of abortion. That's why Canadian pro-life hero Linda Gibbons has spent over 5 years in jail for peacefully protesting outside abortion mills in Ontario.

So what if what pro-lifers say is factually correct? If the Humanist Big Brother says that the unborn is a "blob of tissue" and that a mother and her unborn child are "one body" - you must believe it, no matter what; use all your doublethink skills - or else!...

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