Friday, November 28, 2008

Family Size and the New Evangelization

Chris Beneteau outlines the challenges of having a big family in a society where contraception and "family planning" have become the norm.
As proud parents of seven children, my wife and I are often amazed at the comments we receive when people discover the size of our family. Because it is hard to stand out in this day and age, more traditional rebellious behaviors have become mainstream, while traditional family activities and attitudes have become counter-cultural.
As a father of so many, one of the most popular topics of conversations with friends, co-workers, and even relatives concerns my family’s size. You would think that after the third or fourth child, family and friends would stop expressing shock and disbelief after learning about another pregnancy. Most of the time, however, the opposite reaction occurs. It seems that they are just waiting for my wife and me to make the big announcement: “Well, that’s it. We are ‘done’. Now we can have our life back.”
Try asking a woman something like "have you thought about getting married" or "when are you going to have children". You'll be branded a male chauvinist pig. Try asking a homosexual couple "just what do you two do in that bedroom anyway" - and you are an ignorant narrow-minded knuckle-dragging bigot. But it turns out that people don't see anything wrong with asking a parent something like "are you going to get snipped", let alone "are you done yet". No wonder our society is aging. And... you know what happens after aging, don't you?

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