Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Abortion Distortion — Forget About "Safe" Or "Rare" As Long As It's Legal

Andrea Mrozek and Rebecca Walberg comment on Quebec's recent attempt to apply uniform health standards to abortion clinics. (Shall I mention this was a failed attempt?)
"Safe, legal and rare" is the mantra of consensus-seeking pro-choice feminists, and one that at least acknowledges that abortion is not a desirable outcome for any pregnancy. But today in Quebec, abortion activists are rebranding. Try this newly truncated motto on for size: "just keep it legal."

Bill 34 in Quebec was an attempt to legislate the same standards for all out-patient medical clinics. The bill, it's worth noting, never mentioned abortion, but that didn't stop abortion activists from shifting into high-gear apoplexy. Those who purportedly stand for women's rights jumped to demand lower standards for their exclusively female patients. And on Aug. 17, they won. Quebec's beleaguered Health Minister Yves Bolduc retreated, and will now wait for the Quebec College of Physicians to create new guidelines.

Now Bolduc made it clear he's not pro-life. Bill 34 wasn't an end-run attempt to curtail access to abortions. That's a laughable idea in Quebec of all places, the province with the country's highest abortion rate. This was an attempt to apply uniform standards to all medical clinics. Who knew something so anodyne could cause such animus? But behind the hysteria lies the phenomenon known to pro-lifers everywhere as "the abortion distortion." (We first learned the term from Rachel MacNair, a pro-life feminist and psychologist.) The abortion distortion dictates that where abortion is mentioned, or even just implied as in this case, a double standard comes into play. Even where women's health is at stake.

The distortion happens when a perfectly valid study showing poor mental health effects for women after abortion is ignored, or worse still, torn apart as was done with the credible work of New Zealand psychologist David Fergusson. It happens when physical side effects post-abortion are kept under wraps, such as the credible link to subsequent pre-term deliveries after an abortion. It happens when pro-life women and men are summarily dismissed as "misogynists" in part because a liberal elite is fearful of losing the abortion-on-demand status quo.

And the abortion distortion happens when abortion clinics are exempt from the rules that apply to other medical clinics, as they now will be in Quebec. The abortion distortion is magnified when this is trumpeted as a victory for "women's rights."
The reality in Quebec is that the province has the dubious distinction of possessing Canada's highest abortion rate at more than 40 abortions for every 100 live births. It's legal, to be sure. It's not rare. Now, who knows whether it will be safe? But who cares? They have unfettered access. Those who typically advocate for increased regulation as a defense against misuse of power are demanding they be permitted to fly below the radar.
For the umpteenth time - it's all about money. That's why the chief campaigner for taxpayer-funded clinic abortions in New Brunswick is Morgentaler himself - the owner of an abortion franchise in Fredericton. That's why they cry foul over lost profit when a legislation requires abortion facilities to abide by the basic safety standards; the same standards that, if applied to any other clinic, would be regarded as nothing but common sense.

Russian writer Michael Veller once described Soviet abortion facilities as a place where women get disemboweled like hens. Abortion facilities in the Western world (including Canada) aren't any different.
She went into the abortion doctor’s office for the interview in Toronto balling her eyes out. The “doctor” said “Toughen up, why are you here? If you can’t handle it get out!” She “toughened up” and stayed.
Afterwards she wanted to die. She cut herself with razor blades all over her body and ended up in a psych ward. The walls were blank but she saw children running all around on the walls and she was in incredible turmoil.
But who cares as long as Morgentaler, Planned Parenthood and others make their millions and as long as the pro-aborts have their cherished "procedure" available with no restrictions throughout all 9 months of pregnancy?

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