Several months ago, one of the executives of the Morgentaler's abortion facility in Fredericton published an open letter to pro-lifers in the Daily Gleaner. In the letter, apart from accusing us of misleading and harassing women (things for which abortion mill workers themselves could usually be blamed,) she asked if we could stage our protests on other weekdays than Tuesdays - when their abortion facility isn't open.
Well, they've got their wish. Sort of. Obviously, we're not going to stop the protests on Tuesdays. But on top of that - we now have the 40 Days for Life Vigil at their "clinic" seven days a week. I was there on Thursday, along with 4 other devoted pro-lifers from Moncton. We stayed in Fredericton for about 6 hours, helping the vigil keepers to fill the gaps. The "clinic" was closed, but our vigil kept going on.
And, if you think that it doesn't make sense for us to stand across the street from an abortion facility when the staff and, most important, the clients, are not there - think again. Yes, there was nobody at the abortion mill itself. But there were people walking by and driving by (especially when the afternoon rush hour began) - those people saw us there and, those who drive there often, could notice that there was always a couple of people out there praying to end abortion.
Let's not forget that every surgical abortion that takes place in a clinic or a hospital, is always preceded by a spiritual abortion; one that takes place in a woman's heart. Before a woman (or one of her family members) picks up the phone and schedules an appointment in a facility like Morgentaler's, a woman and whoever convinces her to abort, must make the decision in their mind, must get comfortable with the thought that their baby will not be allowed to see daylight. And that's what we're confronting with our prayer.
That's also why we're there even if the "clinic" is closed. After all - those who actually consider having an abortion, they too, might be there, driving around to memorize directions, or checking the business hours. They too, can notice our vigil, notice that even if there aren't that many of us - we're there all the time. And, eventually, they may reconsider. Sure, we'll never know if they do. We walk by faith, not by sight. That's what the prayer vigil is all about.
As for the five of us - the next day after our long stay in Fredericton, we also had an hour of prayer in front of the George Dumont Hospital here, in Moncton. The weather was terrible and yet it worked to our advantage, as everyone was concerned that others may not come, so everyone did his best to be there.
We were standing across the street from the main entrance, clearly seen by those that were leaving. A lot of them honked or gave us the thumbs up. And then I was surprised to see some people walking towards us and actually joining our prayer - despite the pouring rain. (As I found out later - they had heard about the vigil, but didn't know where it is and how to join.) I told them about the Life Chain, that is to take place on October 4th. Hopefully - there will be a lot more of us there, helping to get the pro-life message out.
I think it is bad enough that you protest outside of the Morgentaler Clinic, but to protest outside of the George Dumont Hospital is the most ridiculous and idiotic thing I have ever heard of. The women who go there to receive a therapeutic abortion do so with the written consent from at least two physicians stating that they must obtain an abortion based on medical grounds. Protesting to keep women from exercising their right to chose what happens to their body is horrible, but with holding medical necessities is pure evil. If you were really "pro life", you would want women to do whatever they need do to lead a healthy life, even when that means having to obtain a safe and legal abortion.
First of all - have you ever wondered how many of those "therapeutic" abortions take place in New Brunswick? There are about 400 of them a year. If we were to assume that in a province with the population of 750,000, some 400 pregnancies have to be terminated each year due to medical circumstances - that would mean there's something seriously wrong with the overall public health in New Brunswick. But, since New Brunswickers' health in general isn't any worse than that of the residents of other provinces, then it's clear that most of those hospital abortions are in fact abortions on demand, that could pass as "medically necessary" thanks to the watered-down provincial regulations. That's why we're there, praying outside of the George Dumont Hospital.
As for the "woman's right to choose what happens to her body" - but the unborn baby - that's not her body. He's inside her body, that's right. But that's a different body, with a different DNA, different circulatory system, not to mention baby's own beating heart. So, aborting that baby is not a "woman's choice over her body". It's destruction of a separate body.
Finally, when it comes to "a healthy life, even when that means having to obtain a safe and legal abortion" - maybe you should check out how "safe" those legal abortions are. And what kind of a "healthy life" can a woman expect after having one. And how many women end up regretting their abortion. Because abortion doesn't make a woman 'unpregnant', it makes her a mother of a dead baby.
I know exactly how many therapeutic abortions take place at the George Dumont Hospital, and I not only think each and every one of them are beneficial for women’s health, but I think New Brunswick would be a healthier and happier place if women didn’t have to obtain permission from at least two physicians, or scramble to come up with $550-$750 to exercise her rights. Women get permission from physician’s to have a medically covered abortion for a number of reasons; either because her own health is compromised, whether it be physical or emotional health, or because the health of the embryo or fetus may be compromised, and finally, there are a number of physicians in the province who recognize that New Brunswick’s policy on funding abortions is sexist, archaic, not to mention illegal, and who are willing to help women instead of hindering them.
As for you saying that an embryo or a fetus is not part of the women’s body, therefore she has no choice in the matter-I’m sorry but your argument is illogical. I realize that you are indeed a man, therefore you don’t really know enough about pregnancy to make a logical argument, but any woman who has ever been pregnant will say that they feel as though the embryo or fetus is very much a part of them, but this is an emotional argument. Scientifically speaking, the fetus is also part of the woman’s body. It is literally attached to the body, and it causes the woman’s body to undergo a number of changes, both physically and emotionally. Almost anyone, except for those who reject basic scientific fact, would say that the fetus is part of a woman’s body, and has a major effect on virtually every part of her body.
Finally, yes, when abortions are obtained legally, they are safe and pose very few adverse side effects. There are the rare occasions where a woman may develop an infection after the procedure, but that is usually when they do not follow the post surgical protocol. Not one woman has ever died in an abortion clinic. Because it is done medically, women are ensured that the physician is properly trained and that there is proper sanitation. They are also checked within a month after the procedure to ensure that they are healing properly and that infection has not set in. Carrying a pregnancy to term, and giving birth, pose a greater threat to women’s health than a first trimester abortion, and that is a medical fact. As for women who regret their abortion, this very rare but indeed sad. It is unfortunate, but in order to obtain an abortion in New Brunswick, a woman must undergo counseling prior to the procedure, and has the option to continue after the procedure if they wish. If a counselor sees that a woman may not be making the decision for herself, then the procedure is not done. In reality, many women feel relieved after the procedure.
Finally, an abortion does, in fact, terminate a pregnancy, thus making the woman “unpregnant” as you like to call it. It’s not a word, but I’ll let it slide. You are entitled to believe whatever you want to believe, no matter how frivolous that may be, and I really do think that everyone deserves the right to protest, I just wish that it would not be outside of clinics and hospitals. You see, being pro choice does not mean that we want all pregnant women to have an abortion; we just want them to be able to have the choice to do what is right for them. I am just as supportive of a woman carrying her pregnancy to full term and either keeping it, or giving it up for adoption, as long as she is doing what she wants to do, not what anyone else, be it a man or a woman, wants her to do. Obtaining an abortion isn’t always an easy choice, but sometimes it is the best choice, and it should always be the women’s choice.
New Brunswick would be a healthier happier place if those thousands of babies that die in abortions every year were allowed to live, to grow up, to enjoy everything we enjoy in life - instead of being slaughtered in the womb before they could see daylight for the sake of other people's personal convenience.
Most of the reasons you've outlined (from "emotional health" to physicians who set their own policies because the provincial government doesn't bother to enforce what's left of theirs) have nothing to do with medical necessity. That term could be applied when there's a threat of death or disability and there's absolutely no way to save the life of a baby; none of the commonly used abortion techniques is applied those situations.
As for the baby's body and the woman's body - unless you believe that for the duration of pregnancy, a woman becomes some sort of 4-armed, 4-legged, 2-hearted creature - those are two separate bodies. Yes, they are attached to each other for the first 9 months of baby's life. But Siamese twins too are attached to each other - that doesn't make them one body, does it? Just like the Siamese twins, the baby and the mother have different DNA and, unlike the Siamese twins, a baby and a mother always have separate circulatory systems, let alone - separate brains... Sure, emotionally, a mother can relate to a baby as if the baby was part of her body (something she often does even after the baby is born) but that doesn't make them one body from the biological prospective.
And when it comes to terminating the pregnancy - that process doesn't make the tiny body in the mother's womb disappear. The body has to be pulled out of the mother's womb, often - ripped apart limb by limb. Again, one may deny its existence, may hide the evidence that this tiny body ever existed. But that doesn't turn back the clock; it doesn't devolve the unborn baby back into a sperm and an egg. Abortion doesn't reverse conception, it destroys its results, thus making the woman a mother of a dead baby.
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