Monday, April 26, 2010

Calgary U Pro-Life Students: "We Will Not Abandon the Unborn Child"

Despite being threatened with expulsion, with arrest and trespassing charges, pro-life University of Calgary students are determined to keep displaying the Genocide Awareness Project on campus.
We of Campus Pro-Life have been told countless upon countless occasions that the Genocide Awareness Project, and the pictures contained therein, are offensive and hurtful to look at. But if an action is too terrible to look at, how then can it be tolerated? Why should we leave unchallenged and undebated a practice so horrific that words alone fail to describe it?
Same question to everyone who believes that abortion is a "choice", but doesn't want others to see what exactly is being chosen. If they believe it's ok to "choose" abortion, how come they don't want others to see the direct consequences of such a "choice"?

Way to go, University of Calgary Campus Pro-Life for making a stand for the unborn:
We simply wish to deliver a message to the University of Calgary about their suppression of our freedoms which we but used to defend society’s weakest elements.

Our message to the University is this: do unto us whatever you desire, punish us however you wish; but our convictions shall not change, and we shall not alter our actions based on intimidation.

We shall not abandon the unborn child to be murdered.
We shall not desert the single mom in crisis.
We shall not allow the evil of abortion to remain unexposed.
We shall not be intimidated by the threat of force.
We shall not be scared by the threat of expulsion.
We shall not back down from the stand we have made.

If they are to punish us, then we are content to let history revile them for their suppression of liberty.
If they are to punish us, then let the blood of the unborn child be upon their heads.
If they are to punish us then let the pain of the suffering mom be upon their conscience.
History will not remember what illegitimate excuse they used, other than as a derogative footnote; but history will remember their transgression against freedom, and it is upon this that posterity shall judge them.
So let the university do whatever action their twisted worldview sees fit, for we fear not the judgment of tyranny.

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