The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT), a leftist union of university professors, is conducting a witch hunt to exclude Christian universities from the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). It wants to ban them, exclude them or force them to become just like all the other universities in Canada and it wants to do it in the name of tolerance, diversity and freedom. Sometimes it is hard to remember whether one is reading an George Orwell novel or the daily newspaper these days. Apparently some of the animals in the AUCC are more equal than the others, according to CAUT.Yes, we've all heard about what's going on in these Christian universities; how dissident speakers get shouted down, unwelcome student groups get their club status revoked while the university authorities charge their own students with trespassing and threatening arrests in an attempt to silence them...
Or wait... None of those were actually Christian universities. And, if you ask any "progressive" professor or student, he'll be quick to tell you that these measures were necessary to prevent "hate speech", to maintain "safe" and "positive" environment. And, that Kenneth Howell's dismissal apparently served exactly the same purpose; that it's better to dismiss one "homophobe" (and to distort the controversial course beyond recognition) than to make a member of a designated victim group feel bad...
Do you know that Nazi student organization had taken over the German Student Association a couple years before Hitler came to power?...
It's beyond even belief anymore.
You can't be a Catholic and teach Catholic beliefs in Catholicism 101??
I bet they make sure Islam 101 has a card carrying instructor who teaches his religion's beliefs. And all complainants will be labeled racist.
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
(George Orwell, "Animal Farm")
We better learn that by heart, because we'll have to quote it far more often in the coming years :(
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