Thursday, February 17, 2011

Video: Real Catholic TV On The Raymond Gravel Lawsuit

A few strong words on the heretical priest that sues the pro-life news outlet for being critical of him: Now it's time for the bishops to have their say. They've turned a blind eye on Gravel for far too long, so they better say anything unless they want to lose what's left of their credibility.
If Gravel goes undisciplined, the Canadian Church will have signalled that it is quite permissible that one of its ordained ministers, under obedience to Her bishops, is permitted to make such a baseless and gratuitous attack against Christ’s Faithful who are defending human life. Fr. Gravel is not simply attacking LSN. He is attacking all Faithful Catholics who are loyal to the Church’s magisterium, not to mention the unborn.
Long story short: what he said.

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