Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Canada's Multicultural Trap

A country under siege - that's how Christine Williams titled his article. And it's somewhat hard to argue with that:
The Multicultural Act, enshrined under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, has empowered courts with sweeping interpretive powers at the highest levels of decision making. The court's mandate becomes balancing individual rights with that of multicultural rights -- a task which has increasing lead to socio-political upheavals. For example, what constitutes hate speech and so-called propaganda is left to Judges to decide. These Judges are heavily under the influence of political correctness to appease special interest groups that not only drive their own agendas, but which are often quick to levy accusations of racism and intolerance -- the curse words of this era. The absolute right to free speech—a prized tenet of democracy—is in effect dissolved; this erosion bears direct significance in the face of growing Islamism.
The Canadian high profile cases of human rights lawyer Ezra Levant and political commentator Mark Steyn highlight this. Levant—who was then publisher of the Western Standard-- republished the controversial Danish cartoons depicting Mohammed in 2006. Syed Soharwardy of the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada and the Edmonton Council of Muslim Communities subsequently lodged a complaint with the Alberta Human Rights Commission. Similarly, political writer Mark Steyn and Maclean's magazine were dragged to the B.C. Human Rights Commission for a so-called islamophobic article in that publication entitled: "The Future Belongs to Islam". This too stemmed from a complaint filed by a Muslim group: the Canadian Islamic Congress.
The recent scandal is just yet another example. Justin Trudeau blasted the Conservatives for using the term "barbaric" to describe such practices as honor killings and female circumcision. Michael Ignatieff sided with him claiming there's no such thing as "honor killing". The latter is the leader of the opposition, who is ready to campaign for the nation's top job. The former is viewed as his eventual successor. We can only hope that these guys are kept on the opposition benches for a little longer - until it becomes clear that multiculturalists do newcomers no favors when they soft-pedal their denunciation of customs that cannot be tolerated in civilized nations.

P.S. If Ignatieff believes that "there's no such thing as an honor killing, there's only killing and it's a crime everywhere", will he ever agree that there's no such thing as "hate crime" that there's only crime which should be prosecuted for what it is and not for what some believe it's supposed to mean? Somehow I doubt it.

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