Monday, September 12, 2011

Anti-White Racist Gathering In Durban - Now And Then

It took place just days before September 11. A conference with a noble goal of fighting racism that soon became the biggest orgy of anti-white racism of the time, championing antisemitism and anti-US rhetoric, prompting not just Israel, but also the US to withdraw from the conference. (There were rumors that some Arab countries threatened the US with an oil embargo in retaliation...) Now they're looking forward to celebrate 10th anniversary of this anti-white, anti-Western, anti-Israeli gathering - with the "Durban III" conference in New York City:
The U.N. gamesmanship at work here is a form of art. Russia has been suggesting language for the new declaration that would denigrate free speech and place restrictions on the media. The OIC states, keen on denigrating Israel above all, have stepped in to propose a "middle ground" that purports to "give up" anti-free speech provisions in exchange for including cloaked Israel-bashing provisions. Belgium, Ireland, Norway, and Switzerland are seemingly anxious to sign on. And the French are delighted that the U.N.-speak has become convoluted enough for them to sign, too. And all the negotiators are careful simply to refer to the Israel-problem as the "sensitive" issue.
In other words, don't expect anything positive to come out of it. Nothing except more Israel-bashing, more anti-white, anti-Western, anti-US rant:
Nine member states, including the US, are already boycotting the September 22 conference. It is clear that no nation that treasures freedom of speech and is dedicated to fighting racism like the kind shown by Libyans who are slaughtering black Africans, should sign this excerable document. But many in the west are less devoted to those concepts - especially where their own anti-Semitism can be exposed.

Hence, mutliculturalism will win out and justice and fairness will lose.
At least this time (unlike 10 years ago,) Canada is boycotting this shameful hatefest.

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