OLD PEOPLE: Social Security and Medicare are by far the biggest Parasites to the system and it's not an investment in them, in fact it's worse than sunk costs. We spend money(medicare) to keep these people alive so that we can pay them Social security? It's counter intuitive.That's the culture of death at a glance. A war veteran, a retired worker, a parent and a grandparent, in their eyes those are mere parasites who are there to take away from their precious fun.
The sickest, the one's who would want to die, are the biggest Cash Windfall for the medical professionals. They get to prescribe endless amounts of drugs and countless repeat visits to get another refill (pain meds), all the while billing and billing and billing the tax payer to get there $250k+/year pay checks and 100K/year nurse arm candy, while getting hand fed their lunch by a 100k/year hooker with a pharmaceutical name badge on and some free pens.
Let's get Euthanasia in place so that it becomes far more acceptable (even en vogue) by the time the fricking Baby Boomers start getting the free ride and sap what little there's left. Those pie chart segments are only going to get wider for them and narrower for the others, the future.(here)
But there is an alternative - the culture of life. There is another way to address the aging crisis - encouraging more births, defending life from conception to natural death. Sure, our opponents are likely to dismiss the pro-life proposals as "uncertain in their impact, not to mention politically controversial". But we've just seen the kind of solution they propose, haven't we?