Friday, August 6, 2010

Preventing Discrimination Or Social Engineering?

Jim Hnatiuk, the leader of the Christian Heritage Party weighs in on so called "affirmative actions":
Preventing or eliminating discrimination is one thing; "correcting conditions of disadvantage" — which implies giving advantage where there was once disadvantage—is quite another thing. It is social engineering.

In 1986, the federal government wanted to alleviate the historic discriminatory practices against four "employment equity groups." In 2010, they realized that not only has the Act not achieved its intended goal, but that reverse discrimination has resulted. The recent example of Sara Landriault, of Kemptville, Ontario—who was told she could not continue an online job application to Citizenship and Immigration Canada after answering she was white in response to a question about her race—exposes the serious flaws inherent in this Act.

All men/women are created equal, and should have equal opportunities in all areas—not only of employment, but in life. Government social engineering of some segments of society to give preferential status to some and not to others flies in the face of the concept that we all have inalienable rights.

We already have laws in place to prevent discrimination. If someone feels that law has been broken, they should turn to the law for redress. But they cannot ask that their government discriminate against someone else, to redress one wrong with another wrong. As the old saying goes, "Two wrongs do not make a right."
That's right. Usually, two wrongs make a left :)

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